

Date: 17/3/2018
Venue : SJK (C) Bandar Seri Botani

         Before we proceed to carry out our activities, we need to do a budget list and collect money from other group. Money collected is used to buy present and prizes for children.

         On that day, I woke up early, and we start our travel from Kampar to Ipoh at 6.30am. The trip took around 40 minutes before we arrive. After reaching the destination, we start to carry out our duty. My job for that day is a Facilitator. I need to guide the student to play the game and make sure they are safe.

         Arround 8.30 am, we guide students to register and also ask them to wait patiently for the campaign to start.Around 9 am, emcee started the camp by giving speech to students. After that, students were separated into 12 groups. Each group having 11 to 12 students.

        After student finish forming their group, they were allowed to know each other through ice breaking sessions.All the group members will introduced themselves so each of the group members recognize each other.

        Around 11 am,  we had our lunch breaking session. However, due to some technical problem, our food haven't arrive. Therefore, I need to calm the students down and ask them to wait patiently. During our waiting time for food, we continue 1 more game station. However, one of the students telling me that he refuse to playing games with empty stomach . I asked help from my teammate and students and finally, one of the students tell me that she can share her food to the hungry student.

        During the game sessions, one of the students in my group had fall over herself and injured, I quickly  find a safety box to help her. I use medicine to clean off her injured part and cover up the wound with bandage.During this game session, Students learn to help each other and form a nice teamwork.

       After playing all the stations' games, facilitator give out survey form for all students to let them rate the overall satisfaction.We also give away some gift to the champion (Group 10), second place(Group 9) and third place(Group 8).However, students in my group felt a little upset because we're unable to get prize. I tell them that winning is not the most important matter in this campaign, what most important is what we learn and what we had achieved during this campaign.

       Lastly, I learnt about how to take care student, form a good team, and make the team more corporate. Besides, I feel that we didn't plan well on our lunch arrangement as we forget that some vegetarian student cant eat egg. We will be more careful next time. Around 2 PM, after we cleaned the venue, we start our journey back to Kampar. Not only children learn from this campaign, we also learn a lot from this campaign.

student listened emcee talked
Group 11 (my group) 😁

group photo with student
Group photo

Group photo
my group

Leadership and Bulding

Date: 17/3/2018
Venue : SJK (C) Bandar Seri Botani

Before we proceed to carry out our activities, we need to do a budget list and collect money from other group. Money collected is used to buy present and prizes for children.

On that day, I woke up early, and we start our travel from Kampar to Ipoh at 6.30am. The trip took around 40 minutes before we arrive. After reaching the destination, we start to carry out our duty. My job for that day is a Facilitator. I need to guide the student to play the game and make sure they are safe.

Arround 8.30 am, we guide students to register and also ask them to wait patiently for the campaign to start.

student listened emcee talked

Around 9 am, emcee started the camp by giving speech to students. After that, students were separated into 12 groups. Each group having 11 to 12 students.
Emcee communicate with student
Facilitator short meeting

Facilitator guide the student to their own group
Facilitator let their own group wear the colour bracelet

After student finish forming their group, they were allowed to know each other through ice breaking sessions.
All the group members will introduced themselves so each of the group members recognize each other.

Group 11 (my group) 😁

After ice breaking session finish , we start to run our game session. For my group, first game is "the big bad wolf and goats". First, station master try to explains rules and regulations. However, due to some children which are very hesitate to start playing game. I had to explain the rules and regulations to them again.

Listen to the rules and regulations
 Around 11 am,  we had our lunch breaking session. However, due to some technical problem, our food haven't arrive. Therefore, I need to calm the students down and ask them to wait patiently. During our waiting time for food, we continue 1 more game station. However, one of the students telling me that he refuse to playing games with empty stomach . I asked help from my teammate and students and finally, one of the students tell me that she can share her food to the hungry student.

During the game sessions, one of the students in my group had fall over herself and injured, I quickly  find a safety box to help her. I use medicine to clean off her injured part and cover up the wound with bandage.

During this game session, Students learn to help each other and form a nice teamwork.

help each other to make sure ping pong ball won't fall down
student feel tired and take a rest

pass the ping pong ball
lunch time

lunch time 
lunch time

After playing all the stations' games, facilitator give out survey form for all students to let them rate the overall satisfaction.

We also give away some gift to the champion (Group 10), second place(Group 9) and third place(Group 8).

However, students in my group felt a little upset because we're unable to get prize. I tell them that winning is not the most important matter in this campaign, what most important is what we learn and what we had achieved during this campaign.

closing ceremony
our emcee'

vice president

2nd place

3rd place

Lastly, I learnt about how to take care student, form a good team, and make the team more corporate. Besides, I feel that we didn't plan well on our lunch arrangement as we forget that some vegetarian student cant eat egg. We will be more careful next time. Around 2 PM, after we cleaned the venue, we start our journey back to Kampar. Not only children learn from this campaign, we also learn a lot from this campaign.

group photo with student
take the certificate

Group photo
Group photo
my group







回到金宝的第四天了,想家了,从来都没试过离家将久,想家了,这一个星期的orientation day无聊又无趣,干脆不去了,唉~不过呢,这几天最开心和最幸福的时候就是跟家人通话了,有时候想想,其实离家读书并不是一件坏事,虽然有时候一个人的夜晚真的很想家,但,我应该长大了,是时候要学会独立,凡是都要靠自己,不能再依赖他人了。


Cameron trip

Hello long time no post my story,how are you?This week is my busy week...I want do a presentation...and...prepare the speaking test
为了做assignment,在星期五和朋友去了金马伦,因为行程很密,时间也很紧凑,根本没多少时间来玩,觉得有一点遗憾,但我的老师还蛮好的,他让我们朋友可以在一组,一起旅行+做assignment,金马伦的天气真的很冷,我和另外三个朋友睡在一张双人床,我那三个朋友都说我睡得很熟,回想一下,好像真的是这样。。。现在有一点想念在金马伦和朋友一起去visit lavender,tea,moutain climbing





毕业了,陪伴我五年的SMK BB再见了T.T






五年,足够让我记得我们曾在一起哭过、欢笑过。再见了,我的中学生涯,再见了,陪伴我五年的SMK Bandar Banting。